
1973-11-20: Arson Fire at 128 Richmond Hill Avenue

Two families were forced from their 128 Richmond Hill Avenue home when smoke engulfed the 2-1/2 story wood frame building in which they resided. Deputy Fire Chief Callahan said the fireman from the south end in West side fire stations responded to smoke pouring out of the building at 9:54 [...]

By |2021-05-03T21:37:15-05:00April 5, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1970-1979, Arson Fire, Residential Fire, Timeline|Comments Off on 1973-11-20: Arson Fire at 128 Richmond Hill Avenue

1973-11-23: String of Sixteen Suspicious Fires Over Three Months

With the burning of a barn on Urban Street owned by the State of Connecticut, the Advocate reports there have been a string of sixteen suspicious fires in Stamford since September. Most of the suspected fires were in unoccupied structures, but a fire at 128 Richmond Hill Avenue was in [...]

By |2021-05-03T21:10:41-05:00April 5, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1970-1979, Arson Fire, Other Outside Structure, Timeline|Comments Off on 1973-11-23: String of Sixteen Suspicious Fires Over Three Months

1974-01-22: 22nd Suspicious Fire in Five Months Hits 50 Dyke Lane

On January 22, 1974, Stamford experienced its 22nd suspicious fire in just five months, the second one in January.  The basement fire started with a flammable liquid, caused considerable damage to the two-story home at 50 Dyke Lane.  Nobody was injured in the blaze, but the fire moved rapidly, requiring [...]

By |2021-05-29T00:30:10-05:00May 29, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1970-1979, Arson Fire, Residential Fire, Timeline|Comments Off on 1974-01-22: 22nd Suspicious Fire in Five Months Hits 50 Dyke Lane

1974-12-06: Firefighters Perform Heroic Rescues at 55 Lafayette Street

On December 6, 1974, at 11:33 PM, Stamford Firefighters Water Finch and Frank Maciolek were among the first firefighters to arrive on the scene of a Box Alarm at 55 Lafayette Street . Flames could be seen coming out of the third-floor apartment in a six-family wood frame building. A [...]

By |2021-05-03T21:10:41-05:00April 8, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1970-1979, Residential Fire, Timeline|Tags: , |Comments Off on 1974-12-06: Firefighters Perform Heroic Rescues at 55 Lafayette Street

1975-04: Supernumerary Firefighters

These firefighters are members of the Supernumerary Firefighting force. Supernumerary is defined as "present in excess of the normal or requisite number." Apparently, they were not paid, did not work but were eligible to be hired full time sometime down the road.

By |2021-05-07T21:14:36-05:00May 7, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1970-1979, Portraits, Timeline|Comments Off on 1975-04: Supernumerary Firefighters

1975-09-11: Stamford Fire Departments First (and only) Modular Ambulance Arrives

In September 1975, Stamford Fire Department accepted the delivery of its first modular ambulance.  They called it a "Rescue Ambulance."  The idea was that, in addition to its medical responses, it would be equipped with certain rescue tools such as the hydraulic "Jaws of Life".    The idea was somewhat [...]

By |2021-05-28T23:59:29-05:00May 28, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1970-1979, Ambulance / EMS, Timeline|Comments Off on 1975-09-11: Stamford Fire Departments First (and only) Modular Ambulance Arrives

1977 (Circa): Firefighter On Back Step of Squad 1, Ready To Respond

Unknown firefighters riding the back step of "Squad 1", prepare for their response to an unknown incident out of Fire Headquaters.

By |2021-05-28T21:19:03-05:00May 28, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1970-1979, Apparatus in Action, Timeline|Comments Off on 1977 (Circa): Firefighter On Back Step of Squad 1, Ready To Respond

1977-12-19: 469-481 Pacific Street Fatal Fire

An unidentified woman was found dead and badly charred following a fire 469-481 Pacific Street. Her body laid on the back porch on the second floor.   The suspicious fire left at least nine families homeless.  The firefighters arrived at 11 PM and did not leave the scene until 5:30 [...]

By |2021-05-29T01:45:14-05:00May 29, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1970-1979, Arson Fire, Fatal Fire, Residential Fire, Timeline|Comments Off on 1977-12-19: 469-481 Pacific Street Fatal Fire

1977: The Woodside Fire Station Finally Opens after Long Delays and Funding Difficulties

Woodside Fire Station #5, December 1974 September 5, 1974 Chief Vitti had previously referred to the new fire station as "The North End Fire Station. But the Commissioners vote unanimously to name the new fire station, the "Woodside Fire Station," citing its location near the old Woodside Park. September 26, [...]

By |2021-05-03T21:11:03-05:00April 29, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1970-1979, Fire Stations, Timeline|Comments Off on 1977: The Woodside Fire Station Finally Opens after Long Delays and Funding Difficulties

1978 04 30 – Inferno Engulfs Fodi Furniture Store and Apartment Building, Leaving Over 100 Homeless

Stamford, CT - A devastating fire broke out on April 30, 1978, at the Fodi Furniture Store, located at 101 Main Street, rapidly spreading to the adjacent apartment building at 93 Main Street. The fierce blaze left more than 100 residents homeless, in what was deemed one of Stamford's [...]

By |2023-08-07T20:17:13-05:00August 7, 2023|Categories: 1970-1979, Major Fire|Comments Off on 1978 04 30 – Inferno Engulfs Fodi Furniture Store and Apartment Building, Leaving Over 100 Homeless
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