
1970-07-27: “The Rockland Hotel” Suffers An Arson Fire Ending It’s Nearly 100 Year History in Stamford.

The structure at 695 Atlantic Street was built in 1876 and served as the mansion of Henry R Towne, the lock tycoon of the well-known Yale and Towne factory of the Southend. The building then became the luxurious "Rockland Hotel" proving travelers and even Stamford Residents a beautiful place to [...]

By |2021-05-25T01:28:07-05:00May 25, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1970-1979, featured, Residential Fire, Timeline|Comments Off on 1970-07-27: “The Rockland Hotel” Suffers An Arson Fire Ending It’s Nearly 100 Year History in Stamford.

1971: Artist Conceptual Drawing of “Central Fire Headquarters”

June 15, 1971 Ground breaking for the new "Central Fire Headquarters." October 12, 1972 Official opening and Flag raising ceremonies was held at new Central Fire Headquarters. Present were Mayor Julius Wilensky, Fire Chief Charles R. McRedmond, Chairman of the Fire Commission member Joseph A. Czescik, John E. Cooper Comm. [...]

By |2021-05-03T21:11:03-05:00April 29, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1970-1979, Fire Stations, Timeline|Comments Off on 1971: Artist Conceptual Drawing of “Central Fire Headquarters”

1972-02-12: Fire Destroys Furniture Store and Four Other Stores at 389 West Main Street

Prudential Furniture Store at 389 West Main Street was the scene of a major blaze on Saturday, February 12, 1972. The fire took more than three hours to bring under control. Flames destroyed the furniture story and four other small stores that were attached to it. The furniture store was [...]

By |2021-05-03T21:10:18-05:00April 1, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1970-1979, Commercial Building Fire, Timeline|Comments Off on 1972-02-12: Fire Destroys Furniture Store and Four Other Stores at 389 West Main Street

1972-02-17: Fire Started in Liquor Store at 188-190 West Main Street


By |2021-05-21T13:04:38-05:00April 5, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1970-1979, Commercial Building Fire, Residential Fire, Timeline, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 1972-02-17: Fire Started in Liquor Store at 188-190 West Main Street

1972-06-08: Stamford Firefighter Louis Hojnacki Honored For Never Taking A Sick Day!

On June 8, 1972, Stamford Firefighter Louis Hojnacki was recognized for never taking a sick day in his 28 years with the Fire Department. The Award Dinner was held at Continental Manor Banquet Hall in Norwalk, CT. Pictured, from left to right are Louis Hojnacki, Local 786 President Arthur "Buck" [...]

By |2021-05-03T21:10:18-05:00April 1, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1970-1979, Timeline|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 1972-06-08: Stamford Firefighter Louis Hojnacki Honored For Never Taking A Sick Day!

1972-12-12: The New Central Fire Station Opens in Stamford

Groundbreaking for the new fire station occurred on June 15, 1971.  The official opening and flag-raising ceremonies were held at the new Central Fire Headquarters on December 12, 1972. Present were Mayor Julius Wilensky, Fire Chief Charles R. McRedmond, Chairman of the Fire Commission member Joseph A. Czescik, John E. [...]

By |2021-06-18T00:47:27-05:00June 18, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1970-1979, Fire Stations, Timeline|Comments Off on 1972-12-12: The New Central Fire Station Opens in Stamford

1972-12-13: New State of the Art Communication System Dedicated

A new "State of the Art" Communications Center, said to the first of its type in the New England area opens at the new Fire headquarters at 629 Main Street. A ribbon-cutting was held in the Communication Center at the new Fire Department Headquarters.  Present were Mayor Julius Wilensky Fire [...]

By |2021-05-31T13:54:57-05:00May 31, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1970-1979, Alarm Room, Dispatch / 911, Timeline|Comments Off on 1972-12-13: New State of the Art Communication System Dedicated

1973-01-17: Maxim 100′ Mid-Mount Aerial Ladder put Into Service as Truck 3

The new Maxim 100′ Mid-Mount Aerial Ladder arrived at Stamford Fire Department at 1 pm from the Maxim Motor Division, 170 Wareham St., Middleboro, Mass. It was a model #FCC-82L-100 – Serial #3071 (Diesel Fuel) It was placed into service at Station 3 on April 13, 1973. Truck 3 in [...]

By |2021-05-03T21:11:03-05:00April 30, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1970-1979, New Apparatus, Timeline|Comments Off on 1973-01-17: Maxim 100′ Mid-Mount Aerial Ladder put Into Service as Truck 3
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