
1988-09-25: 15 Families Left homeless by Early Morning Blaze at 10 Lafayette St

Group 2 fought an early morning blaze that began just before 6:30 am. The blaze destroyed the upper levels of the multi-family rooming house. No injuries reported.

By |2021-05-03T21:10:40-05:00April 27, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1980-1989, Residential Fire, Timeline|Tags: |Comments Off on 1988-09-25: 15 Families Left homeless by Early Morning Blaze at 10 Lafayette St

1988-09: Group 2, Fire Headquarters

These pictures were all taken between September 1988 and November 1988. Captain Chichester was the Captain in charge of 1 Company, Group 2, Fire Headquarters. Phil Hayes and "Pops" MocherCaptain Chichester and Tom HurleyGeorge Baron, Bobby Murray and Tom HurleyThe legendary Bill "Pops" MocherPhil Hayes dreading the midnight alarm room [...]

By |2021-05-03T21:11:02-05:00May 1, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1980-1989, Timeline|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 1988-09: Group 2, Fire Headquarters

1988-10-29: Brand New Engine 3 Stolen and Heavily Damaged!

As the story goes, a drug crazed man climbed through the driver's window of Engine 3, across the drivers lap. Not knowing his intentions, the driver bailed out of the cab. The man then managed to figure out how to get the apparatus in gear and began down Stillwater Avenue, [...]

By |2021-05-03T21:11:02-05:00May 1, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1980-1989, Apparatus in Action, Timeline|Tags: |Comments Off on 1988-10-29: Brand New Engine 3 Stolen and Heavily Damaged!

1989-01-23: The New State of the Art Stamford Combined Dispatch Center Began Taking 911 Calls

In the early days, each of the volunteer companies, Stamford Fire Department and Stamford Police Department,  each had their own seven-digit number that residents were supposed to call in the event of an emergency. The volunteer companies would dispatch their own units to incidents. Over the years the Stamford Fire [...]

By |2021-05-26T14:34:09-05:00May 26, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1980-1989, Dispatch / 911, Timeline|Comments Off on 1989-01-23: The New State of the Art Stamford Combined Dispatch Center Began Taking 911 Calls

1989-02: The First Stamford Fire Department Ski Team

In 1989, five rookies got together and formed the first Stamford Fire Department Ski Team. They raced a giant slalom course at Hunter Mountain against team from all over the East Coast. They were Paul Neman, Phil Hayes, Greg Montague, Mar Shannon and Scott McColl. After the race, there was [...]

By |2021-05-03T21:11:03-05:00May 1, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1980-1989, Off-Duty, Timeline|Tags: |Comments Off on 1989-02: The First Stamford Fire Department Ski Team

1989: Mack CF/Ranger 1000/400/50′ Tele-Squirt (E4) & Mack CF/Ranger 1000/500 (E3)

This two engines were warmly received by the members of the Department. The Tele-Squirt served the East side of Stamford as Engine 4, while its twin, without the squirt, served as Engine 3 for many years.  

By |2021-06-01T01:57:29-05:00April 3, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1980-1989, Apparatus, New Apparatus, Timeline|Comments Off on 1989: Mack CF/Ranger 1000/400/50′ Tele-Squirt (E4) & Mack CF/Ranger 1000/500 (E3)

1989: Stamford Receives 1989 Mack CF Ranger 1000 GPM & 50′ Tele-Squirt Pumper

This 1989 Mack CF Ranger 1000 GPM Pumper was built using the refurbished Telesquirt from the original 1974 Pierce Oshkosh Engine 4 Telesquirt.

By |2021-05-28T22:27:41-05:00May 28, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1980-1989, New Equipment, Timeline|Comments Off on 1989: Stamford Receives 1989 Mack CF Ranger 1000 GPM & 50′ Tele-Squirt Pumper

1990-01-02: Fire Destroys Southend Apartment House on Ludlow Street

Seventeen families were displaced on January 2, 1990 after a fire destroyed their apartment complex at 133-149 Ludlow Street on the South End of Stamford. A fire broke out in one of the second floor apartments of the red-brick townhouse type structure at around 1PM. Fire units arrived to find [...]

By |2021-05-03T21:10:18-05:00April 3, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1990-1999, Residential Fire, Timeline|Comments Off on 1990-01-02: Fire Destroys Southend Apartment House on Ludlow Street
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