
1986-04-24: 861 & 874 Cove Road Arson Fire

Two Cove Road businesses and two residential apartments were destroyed by an early morning arson fire. The blaze, which began at 1:36 am left six people homeless.

By |2021-05-03T21:10:40-05:00April 27, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1980-1989, Commercial Building Fire, Residential Fire, Timeline|Comments Off on 1986-04-24: 861 & 874 Cove Road Arson Fire

1986: Stamford Fire Department Honor Guard Marching In Two Events

The Stamford Fire Department was formed in the 1980's.  Several members have served for the Honor Guard for more than two decades.

By |2021-10-31T01:51:45-05:00October 31, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1980-1989, Honor Guard, Parade, Timeline|Comments Off on 1986: Stamford Fire Department Honor Guard Marching In Two Events

1987-08-28: Discussions for a New Station #2 Begin

With the age of Station #2 beginning to show (it was constructed in 1898), City officials began talking about replacing the fire station.  The City had planned to build a new one across the street on the basketball courts of the South End Community Center, but local outrage put an [...]

By |2021-05-22T00:03:09-05:00May 21, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1980-1989, Fire Stations, Timeline|Comments Off on 1987-08-28: Discussions for a New Station #2 Begin

1987-12-9: Family Pets Perish in Martin Street House Fire

Several family pets were killed in a house fire at 9 Martin Street. There were no human injuries as a result of the blaze. The fire broke out shortly after 2:30 PM. The pets, including a a rabbit, a ferret and a snake, were apparently overcome by the smoke of [...]

By |2021-05-03T21:10:18-05:00March 31, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1980-1989, Residential Fire, Timeline|Tags: |Comments Off on 1987-12-9: Family Pets Perish in Martin Street House Fire

1987: Art Deschnow Retirement Party

Art Deschnow was appointed to the Stamford Fire Department on September 20, 1960. He retired in 1987 serving 27 years with the SFD and ending his career as a Fire Captain.. Thank you to Laura Butler, Arts daughter, for sharing these wonderful photographs and identifying the people in them. Art [...]

By |2021-05-03T21:11:03-05:00April 28, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1980-1989, Retirement Party, Timeline|Comments Off on 1987: Art Deschnow Retirement Party

1988-01-07: Four-Alarm Fire Guts Continental Motors at 33 Myrtle Avenue

A four-alarm blaze destroyed the Continental Motors Showroom and damaged or destroyed twenty-three cars on that were both in and outside the structure. The fire began around 2:30 PM on a cold Sunday afternoon. Forty-seven firefighters staffing five engines, two ladders and a Rescue were dispatched to the scene to [...]

By |2021-05-03T21:11:03-05:00April 27, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1980-1989, Commercial Building Fire, Timeline|Tags: |Comments Off on 1988-01-07: Four-Alarm Fire Guts Continental Motors at 33 Myrtle Avenue

1988-06-30: 370 West Main Street, Fire at the The Bolliger Warehouse Building

A six-hour stubborn fire took its toll on the 30-firefighters that responded to the scene of this fire. The general building construction and contents of the structure significantly hampered efforts to extinguish the fire. But Stamford firefighters eventually prevailed and saved the structure. This was a Grp 1 fire. We [...]

By |2021-05-03T21:10:41-05:00April 23, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1980-1989, Commercial Building Fire, Timeline|1 Comment

1988-07-30: Mexican City Buys 1962 750 GPM Pumper

L to R: FF Robert Morales, Mechanical Supervisor Frank Tasitano, Acting Chief Anthony Milone and Deputy Chief Kevin Tappe. In 1988, the Stamford Fire Department sold its 1962 750 GPM pumper to Neza, Mexico for $2,200.  This pumper responded to its first alarm on October 19, 1962.  It [...]

By |2021-07-22T22:53:20-05:00July 22, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1980-1989, Good Will, Timeline|Comments Off on 1988-07-30: Mexican City Buys 1962 750 GPM Pumper
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