
1978-09-21: David Austin, First Black Stamford Firefighter, Dies at the Age of 52

David (Davey) was Stamford's first black firefighter, appointed July 28, 1955 at the age of 29. He started his career with the Department on September 1, 1955, assigned to Engine 2. He retired October 3, 1975.

By |2021-05-05T10:36:37-05:00May 5, 2021|Categories: 1970-1979, Firefighters|Comments Off on 1978-09-21: David Austin, First Black Stamford Firefighter, Dies at the Age of 52

1978-09-30: 3-Alarm Arson Fire at the Ambassador Arms Apartment Building on Washington Blvd

A 3-Alarm fire struck the abandoned Ambassador Arms Luxury Apartment building on the night of September 30, 1978.   As was common with many fires of this time period, arson was suspected.  Ambassador Arms stood at the corner of Washington Blvd and TResser Blvd, where the Advocate Newspaper building also [...]

By |2021-05-24T02:08:56-05:00May 24, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1970-1979, Arson Fire, Residential Fire, Timeline|Comments Off on 1978-09-30: 3-Alarm Arson Fire at the Ambassador Arms Apartment Building on Washington Blvd

1978-10-11: Forest Street Barn / Carriage House Fire Injures Two Firefighters

A Barn / Carriage House fire at 63 Forest Street injured two firefighters. Firefighter Frank Russo was transported to Stamford Hospital for a possible concussion. Firefighter John Donch was treated at the scene for a punctured hand. The newspaper article incorrectly reports the incident to be on Fourth Street. The [...]

By |2021-05-03T21:10:18-05:00April 4, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1970-1979, Other Outside Structure, Timeline|Comments Off on 1978-10-11: Forest Street Barn / Carriage House Fire Injures Two Firefighters

1978-11-06: Quick Stop at Summer Street Basement Fire

A basement fire at 1462 Summer St. Sunday night traveled to the second floor kitchen, but damage was held to a minimum due to the quick actions fo the firefighters. There were no injuries. Summer Street

By |2021-05-03T21:10:19-05:00March 31, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1970-1979, Residential Fire, Timeline|Comments Off on 1978-11-06: Quick Stop at Summer Street Basement Fire

1979-12-31: Firefighters Dave Roberts and Tom Mardi Boarding the Apparatus

The context of this photo is not known, but it was acquired from a collection of Advocate photos. It is dated as December 31, 1979

By |2021-05-03T21:11:03-05:00April 29, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1970-1979, Firefighters, Timeline|Comments Off on 1979-12-31: Firefighters Dave Roberts and Tom Mardi Boarding the Apparatus

1981 02 17: South Pacific Tenement Arson Fire

Editors Note:  The following collection of photos was provided to me by Steve Heilner, former Turn of River Fire Marshal and member of the Stamford Arson Task Force.  The information on the photo envelope was that they are of an "8-3" (3-alarm fire) sometime in 1981 on South Pacific [...]

By |2024-03-12T08:12:47-05:00March 12, 2024|Categories: 1980-1989, Major Fire|Comments Off on 1981 02 17: South Pacific Tenement Arson Fire

1981-02-08: Cigarette Causes Fire That Destroy Apartment

A cigarette was named as the cause of a fire that destroyed an apartment and displaced six families for a period of time.  Nobody was injured in the fire

By |2021-10-30T23:40:21-05:00October 30, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1980-1989, Residential Fire, Timeline|Comments Off on 1981-02-08: Cigarette Causes Fire That Destroy Apartment

1982-02-21: Vacant Building Fire at Mrytle and Elm Street

Fire units from the Central Fire Station and East Side Fire Station fought a fire in an unoccupied building that was once known as the "Baker & Baker" building at Myrtle Avenue and Elm Street. The building was also once a pool hall, vegetable market, and variety store. The building [...]

By |2021-05-03T21:11:03-05:00April 29, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1980-1989, Commercial Building Fire, Timeline|Comments Off on 1982-02-21: Vacant Building Fire at Mrytle and Elm Street

1983 01 04: From Tragedy to Transformation: The Legacy of the United Organics Building Explosion

Introduction The events of January 4, 1983 and the months that followed,  violently overturned the lives of four men, galvanized the state into passing a law to prevent similar tragedies, united area towns and cities in an outpouring of support, and changed the way at least one city would [...]

By |2023-08-24T22:00:24-05:00August 24, 2023|Categories: 1980-1989, Deputy Chiefs, featured, Fire Captains, Fire Lieutenants, Firefighters, Line of Duty Deaths, Major Fire, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 1983 01 04: From Tragedy to Transformation: The Legacy of the United Organics Building Explosion

1983-02-07: Sea Beach Drive House Fire

On February 7th, 1983 at about 3:30PM, there was a house fire on Sea Beach Drive. The fire claimed the life of the family Parrot. There were no reported injuries. There is no story found in the Stamford Advocate archives. This picture is of the entrance-way looking out. Photographer: Tom [...]

By |2021-05-03T21:10:19-05:00March 31, 2021|Categories: 1900's, 1980-1989, Residential Fire, Timeline|Comments Off on 1983-02-07: Sea Beach Drive House Fire
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