The Stamford Fire Department has grown to fifty-eight personnel in 1922, staffing three fire stations. Chief Victor Veit is in charge. During the previous year, 1921, the Department received and responded to 94 Bell Alarms, 140 Telephone Alarms and 18 verbal calls, for a total of 252 Alarms. This is up just a few from the previous year.

- Victor H Veit, Chief of the Department
- Joseph F Plant, Electrician
- S.A. Ezequelle, Mechanical Supervisor
- Lewis Y Krom, Deputy Chief
- Frank J Fox, Assistant Electrician
- H. R. Bronson, Assistant Mechanical Supervisor
Engine Company #1
Located in the Central Fire Station, at the junction of Main and Elm Streets. Consisting of 20 permanent men in the following apparatus and equipment: One Motor Pumping Engine, carrying 1000 feet of 2-1/2 inch hose; one Motor Combination Chemical and Hose Car with 750 feet of 2-1/2 inch hose, 200 feet of chemical hose and 2 30-gallon chemical tanks, and other minor equipment.
- Captain C. T. Duane
- Captain B. F. Bouton
- Fireman C. H. Speh Jr
- Fireman E. B. Lamb
- Fireman C. B. Krom
- Fireman John Kurz
- Fireman W. J. McCarthy
- Fireman. J.J Clark
- Fireman W.P. Allen
- Fireman C.E Schneider
- Fireman W. H Speh
- Fireman T.F. Maher
- Fireman N. G. Forman
- Fireman J. J. Cooney
- Fireman G. W. Lyons
- Fireman J.J. Leary
- Fireman T.J. Reilly
- Fireman A.M Baker
- Fireman Walter Seely
Truck Company #1
Located in the Central Fire Station, at the junction of Main and Elm Streets. Consisting of seven permanent men, and the following apparatus and equipment: one Motor-driven Aerial Ladder Truck with a 75 foot extension ladder, 193 feet of portable ladders and complete smaller equipment.
- Fireman N. J. G Abt
- Fireman M. J. Ryan
- Fireman M. H Clark
- Fireman R. J. Myers
- Fireman L. D. Myers
- Fireman J.P. Kotos
- Fireman H. F. Dodd
Engine Company #2
Located at the corner of Pacific and Henry streets. Consisting of sixteen permanent members and the following apparatus and equipment: one Motor Pumping Engine carrying 1000 feet of 2-1/2 inch hose, and one Motor Driven City Service Truck, with one 40-gallon chemical tank, 200 feet of chemical hose and a complete set of minor equipment.
- Captain C. H. Speh Jr.
- Captain J. E. Wilson
- Fireman Arthur Kelly
- Fireman Chris Merriman
- Fireman W. B. Griffin
- Fireman W. R. Palmer
- Fireman Joseph Kozma
- Fireman D. J. Horman
- Fireman Ed Kingsly
- Fireman F. M. Hamm
- Fireman J. P. Grumbley
- Fireman Wm. Wilson
- Fireman J. F. Lonergan
- Fireman T. F. Clark
- Fireman W. M. Mullens
- Fireman F. C. Berg
Engine Company #3
Located at the corner of West Main St. and Fairfield Avenue. Consisting of ten permanent men and the following apparatus and equipment: One Motor Pumping Engine Carrying 1000 feet of 2-1/2 inch hose, 200 feet of chemical hose, one 40-gallon tank and other necessary equipment. Also one Steam Fire Engine in reserve.
- Captain H. C. Dugdale
- Captain D. G. Ragan
- Fireman E. J. Gleason
- Fireman F. J. O’Grady
- Fireman L. J. Hogan
- Fireman M. J. Donovan
- Fireman T. J. Meehan
- Fireman J. J. O’Connor
- Fireman J. J. Biessman
- Fireman J. J. Salamon