Two Stamford Firefighters and a milkman were injured when Truck 4, out of the Eastside Fire Station, collided with a milk truck at the intersection of Elm Street and North State Street. Truck 4 was responding to Cogmetta’s Floor Covering Shop at 738 Main Street for a possible fire when the accident occurred. Truck 4 was traveling North on Elm Street.
The mailman was suffering from a concussion and was listed as in “fair” condition later that day. Firefighter Walter Donovan, the driver of the apparatus, was treated at Stamford Hospital for a shoulder injury. Firefighter Arthur Betts, also riding on Truck 4, was treated at Stamford Hospital for an unspecified injury.
The reported fir was later reclassified as a “smoke scare.”
Footnote: Truck 4 apparently was returned to Maxim where they repaired it with a new style “S Model” nose and eventually sold to Thomaston Fire Department in Connecticut.